Personal Privacy

We are the sole owners of the information (email addresses, names, survey responses) collected on this site. We only have access to collect information that you voluntarily give us. We will not sell or rent this information to anyone, nor will we share your email address or contact information with any third party outside of our organization unless you give us consent.

We use Google Analytics to collect data about your traffic via Google advertising cookies and identifiers, in addition to data collected through a standard Google Analytics implementation. We also use Clicky and Jetpack Analytics to collect traffic data.

We will not identify users or facilitate the merging of personally identifiable information with non-personally identifiable information collected through Google, Clicky, or Jetpack Analytics.


Copyright Notice

All of the content on this website is copyright protected. The content cannot be shared unless you’ve been given express written permission.

If you feel Professional Watches has violated your copyrights please contact us at